Beyond Our Earth tells the incredible story of humanity's struggle to conquer space within Earth’s orbit. From Cold War competition to international collaboration, explore the scientific and engineering achievements of the space age.
Up Next in Season 1
Beyond Our Earth, Episode 2 - Conquer...
The ultimate prize in the race between the United States and the Soviet Union, Neil Armstrong's step onto the lunar surface crossed the finish line. Conquering the Moon details the subsequent missions returning to our satellite.
Beyond Our Earth, Episode 3 - The Inn...
The Inner System is a voyage of discovery to Mercury, Venus and Mars, with each mission revealing clues to our Solar System’s formation, whilst offering insights that may pave the road for humanity’s first off-world colonies.
Beyond Our Earth, Episode 4 - Beyond ...
A grand tour of the gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and the strange moons in their orbit— some harbouring the potential for life. Investigate the possibility of a mysterious Planet Nine.