Robot Wars - Series 5

Robot Wars - Series 5

15 Episodes

Legendary trio Craig Charles, Philippa Forrester and Jonathan Pearce return to the arena for more mayhem.

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Robot Wars - Series 5
  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat A

    Episode 1

    The first heat of the Fifth Wars raises the bar for action. With newcomers outnumbering the veterans, will an underdog manage to secure a place in the finals?

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat B

    Episode 2

    One newcomer gets a forceful yet thorough tour of the arena hazards in the eliminators. Flippers prove to be this heats weapon of choice and they are put to great effect, as many robots take to the air.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat C

    Episode 3

    The eliminators continue as more newcomers and veterans enter the arena, ready to destroy each other for the spot in the finals. One competitor’s design renders their adversary’s weapon useless, can they adapt, or will they be wiped out?

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat D

    Episode 4

    More flipping action as we witness one of the quickest immobilisations in Robot Wars history. A house robot gets a little too eager when trying to pit a competitor.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat E

    Episode 5

    More hopefuls enter the arena, as they risk life and limb for a chance at the finals. An equally matched battle leaves the decisions to the judges, and two house robots work together to inflict some last minute damage.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat F

    Episode 6

    Halfway through the heats and the competition is on fire, literally. The arena is out for revenge after another competitor inadvertently vandalises it. One robot commits the ultimate sin, attacking the benevolent Refbot.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat G

    Episode 7

    The house robots venture into the funeral business as they hold cremations and burials in the Robot Wars arena, to the applause of a live audience. One flip may spell doom early on for one competitor.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat H

    Episode 8

    One competitor achieves every flipper robot’s dream in this episode’s heats, rapidly ending the first round. Another robot refuses to go into the pit alone and takes down whoever they can get grip on.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat I

    Episode 9

    One competitor gets chopped up by competitor and house robot alike and a quick eviction from the arena makes the judge’s job a simple one. A seemingly one-sided fight takes a different direction, thanks to the hazardous arena.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat J

    Episode 10

    When the competitor’s weapons aren’t quite doing the job, they must resort to using the arena to secure the win. There’s not enough room for the both of them, which robot from the Isle of Sheppey will prove itself the best in this chance encounter.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat K

    Episode 11

    World Champions meet a newcomer in this episode’s heat, will it be an easy appetiser, or a major upset? One uneventful round leaves the house robots responsible for entertaining the crowd.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Heat L

    Episode 12

    The last heats of the fifth series. Matilda breaks the rules and strays from her zone, inflicting massive damage on unsuspecting robots, much to the dismay of the judges.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Semi-Final 1

    Episode 13

    The semi-finals are here and the competitors step up a notch, even the house robots need to be cautious. One of the three losers of the first rounds have an opportunity for redemption in the Losers Melee.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Semi-Final 2

    Episode 14

    After this episode, the Grand Final lineup will be decided. With pressure mounting the robots are going all out. One competitor is sent to the clouds with the help of another. The house robots help decide who makes it to through.

  • Robot Wars, Series 5 - Grand Final

    Episode 15

    This episode, Robot Wars: The Fifth Wars will have a champion. As the proven best robots of the series gather one last time, the competition has never been more evenly matched.